
Bute Park’s nationally significant arboretum is unrivalled in the UK for the number of significant trees it contains. There are over 3,000 individually catalogued trees, some of which are rare and ornamental.

Most of the trees were planted after 1947 and complemented the existing collection within the Bute family’s 19th Century private estate.

For more information, please view Cardiff Council’s illustrated plant guide or visit us at Bute Park Visitor Centre.


Signature Trees

Many trees stand out in the landscape of Bute Park and give the arboretum its unique character. This may be due to tree size, number, rarity, shape, form, seasonal colour, location or striking nature. 

The signature species include both native and exotics, with a range of different forms and sizes.

Our notable avenue of Ginkgo biloba trees in the Castle Mews are striking all year round.

The rare Siberian Elm (Ulmus pumila ‘Aurescens’) is one of only two mature specimens known in the UK.

Also memorable to many of our visitors are the stunning Foxglove (Digitalis) and Hybrid Wingnut (Pterocarya rehderiana) trees.

Our interesting collections of Hawthorn, Rowen, Alder and Crab Apple amongst many others highlight the diverse range of specimens in our collection.

Ginko avenue

Golden Larch Tree

Pink flowers on the Malus shrub

A couple holding hands walking down Ginko avenue

Champion Trees

Bute Park is very proud to have the highest number of Champion Trees in any UK public park. 

Champion Trees are acknowledged as the tallest or broadest of their type in the British Isles, and currently Bute Park has 41 champion trees.

A Juglans cinerea tree, commonly know as butternut tree.

Tree Charter Pole

Bute Park is home to one of the ten Tree Charter Principle Poles placed around the country. You can find it near Pettigrew Tearoom and the Water Taxi stop.

The Tree Charter Principle Poles were made to represent the following 10 principles of the Tree Charter:

  • Sustain landscapes rich in wildlife.
  • Plant for the future.
  • Celebrate the power of trees to inspire.
  • Recover health, hope and well-being with the help of trees.
  • Protect irreplaceable trees and woods.
  • Grow forests of opportunity and innovation.
  • Plan greener local landscapes.
  • Strengthen our landscapes with trees.
  • Make tress accessible to all.
  • Combat the threats to our habitats.

You can find out more information about the Tree Charter on their website.

A view of the Tree Charter pole

Tree Trails

Explore our extensive selection of Champion Trees on our Champion Tree Trail, or alternatively the Family Tree Trail takes you around the park to see our 14 Signature Trees and is perfect for families with children.