Traffic Management

First published 14th Apr, 2020

All events should provide a Traffic Management Plan with an appropriate level of provision for the duration of your event. Depending on the scale or your set up your event will require a certain level of traffic management.

You are required as a condition of your booking, to produce an event-specific Traffic Management Plan and have a dedicated member of staff controlling vehicle movements through the vehicle access bridge at all times you use it.

You must give us the full name and mobile contact details of the person with overall responsibility for traffic management on site as they will be a key person for our Site Supervisor to liaise with.

Note, the Council can provide traffic management staff at cost if you require this. Traffic management is not a function that will be performed by our Site Supervisors though they will monitor effectiveness and report back observations.

Breaches of the site traffic management rules will result in a fine of £250 per recorded incident against your bond so we strongly advise you to ensure all drivers are personally identifiable and that they sign something to confirm they have read and understood our site conduct rules (see link below).

Site-specific information that will help you with your Traffic Management Plan are given in the Construction Phase Plan for your event site.

Remember: Only operational vehicles are permitted to enter the park. All personal vehicles should be parked outside.  

The main objectives for a Traffic Management Plan are:

  • Health & Safety
  • Protection of the Event Site
  • Management of event vehicles on site
  • Support of Park operational vehicles


See Access Postcodes
See Access to your event site
See Bollard Incident Reporting
See Bond
See Care of ground in Cardiff Parks
See Care of trees in Cardiff Parks
See Production and Vehicle Schedule

All event guidance