Construction Phase Plan

First published 7th Feb, 2020

The event organizer is responsible for ensuring working conditions in your site meet the CDM 2015 regulations.  CDM Regulations are applicable to event construction. Construction work includes, but is not limited to, the assembly or disassembly of prefabricated elements to form a structure. 

If applicable a Construction Phase Plan should be submitted with your event documentation. For further information visit:

See “Advice for Risk Assessment and CDM planning” section of the Event Site document that applies to your site.

We are happy to accept CDM Plans in your own format, or a template is available [here]. 

You will be expected to name the individual/company that will take the following responsibilities:

  • Client is the organisation, or individual, for whom the event is carried out.
  • Principal Designer is the organisation, or individual, in control of the pre-event planning phase where a project involves more than one Contractor. Appointed by the Client or if not appointed, the role is undertaken by the Client.
  • Principal Contractor is the organisation, or individual, in control of the event construction phase where the event involves more than one Contractor. Appointed by the Client or if not appointed, the role is undertaken by the Client.

Templates are provided to help organisers satisfy the minimum requirements regarding Construction Design and Management Regulations CDM (2015).  Organisers can use their own paperwork if they wish but all headings below should be covered.

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