
First published 9th Jan, 2023

This applies to all events and includes those where tickets sold include provision of alcohol, provision of alcohol in exchange for money or where alcohol is provided free of charge.

Please refer to the details of the site’s standard Premises licence given in Licensable Activity if you plan to provide alcohol served from a bar or from an exhibitor in off-sales containers such as bottles etc.

You as the Event Organiser are responsible for confirming the licence conditions that will apply to your specific event and ensuring all licence conditions are strictly adhered to.

You may be visited by an officer of the Council or one appointed for the duration of the event to ensure the terms and conditions of the licence are upheld. The charge for the licensing visits is based on a 4hr minimum call out and the weekend rate is £24/hr +VAT.

Please submit all paperwork to the applicable Cardiff Council’s Event Officer in the first instance via

Premises Licence / Vary Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS)

Our premises Bute Park / Sophia Gardens have a Premises Licence. However, there is no appointed official Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) named on the licence and therefore it is not possible to sell alcohol on site. In order to serve alcohol on site, an event organiser must propose a DPS.

The DPS must be a suitably qualified (personal licence holder) and have sufficient accountability/responsibility over event management to ensure that the four licencing objectives and licence conditions are addressed (Bute Park / Sophia Gardens). This may require final decision-making responsibility over wider matters, e.g. entertainment running times, security and the ability to make decisions on site at the event.

This means it is not necessarily appropriate that the DPS simply be the bar operator. We would look to your event command and control structure to satisfy ourselves that the proposed individual can effectively perform the duty before agreeing to accept your proposed DPS.

Operating Schedule/Operational Plan

The Event Liaison Panel (ELP) will look for assurances that an appropriate DPS has been achieved so please make that part of your presentation to them.

Our licence requires that an Operating Schedule/Operational Plan be submitted to ELP and South Wales Police (SWP) Licencing no less than 56 days prior to the event.

The licence will be passed on to SWP Licencing and the Council’s Licencing Team by Cardiff Council as the Premises Licence holder.

If SWP receive the operating schedule later than 56 days prior, then conditions may be imposed. These would be confirmed in writing by SWP within 10 days of receiving notification of the event.

Complete and return the “Operational Plan – Template 2022 v3”

Vary Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS)

Each time our premises has an event where alcohol will be sold, an application needs to be submitted to by the event organiser to vary the DPS at least 14 days prior to the event, but the sooner the better.

The fee to amend the DPS will be paid by Bute Park, this is inclusive within your hire fee. We have an arrangement internally with the Licencing Team.

Please complete
a. “Bute Park DPS Consent Form”
b. Application to vary the DPS form
This application must be submitted together with a consent form signed by the proposed DPS.

The approved DPS will also need to remove themselves after the event from the Premises License (Request to be removed as designated premises supervisor from City of Cardiff Council ( ) or they will remain as DPS ongoing.

Contact Events Liaison Panel
See Trading Standards

All event guidance