First published 14th Apr, 2020We can grant permission to erect temporary banners (or advertising signs) for certain events.
Temporary banners can be displayed announcing local events of charitable, cultural, educational, political, social, recreational or religious nature.
Temporary banners for commercial events require advertising consent, which can be obtained from the Local Planning Authority, via their standard application process.
Only events being held in Bute Park or Sophia Gardens can be accepted.
The Event Organiser must ensure that all advertising material complies with the planning guidance on temporary advertisements:
- All banners must be bilingual in accordance with the Council’s Welsh language policy.
- Banners must not be put up earlier than 28 days before the event
- Banners are permitted for a maximum of 4 weeks.
- Banners must be removed within 24 hours of the end of the event
- Banners must not be illuminated
- Banners must include your brand identity and contact details
- Spaces are available on a first come, first served basis and not all requests can be accommodated.
Banners Size
We require all banners to be bilingual under the Welsh Language Act so we permit either:
- Two banners of up to 0.6m2 side by side (one Welsh and one English)
- One single bilingual banner at up to 1.2m2.
Banner Locations:

Can I put up banners in other parks?
Please request permission to erect banners at other Cardiff Parks via the Bute Park Event Officer. Not all requests can be accommodated. Failure to request permission in advance may result in the removal of said banners and advertising by Cardiff Council.
Can I put up banners around the city?
Please request permission to erect banners on highways from the Highways Team. Failure to request permission in advance may result in the removal of said banners and advertising by Cardiff Council.
Failure to comply
Failure to request permission in advance may result in the removal of said banners and advertising by Cardiff Council.
No signs or banners shall be erected for the advertising of any event or commercial concern or activity taking place outside of the park.
Failure to comply with the removal of banners and advertising in the specified period shall result in the immediate removal of said banners and advertising by Cardiff Council. In this instance the Council withholds the right to levy a minimum charge of £100 + VAT to the Event Organiser.
No fly posters or stickers shall be attached to any part of the fabric of the Park. The Event Organiser shall be responsible for all costs incurred for the removal of any fly posters or stickers, which can be directly attributed to his event.
See Bilingual Cardiff
See Marketing
See The City of Cardiff Council Welsh Language Standards: Guide to Third Parties
See The Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) Regulations 1992: 3D – Miscellaneous temporary advertisements
See Website Listing
See Welsh