Spill Response
First published 7th Jul, 2021In advance of your event you should develop procedures to be followed by staff and volunteers in case of a park-related incident. In your advanced documentation, record who will provide your on-site Spill Kit and who is the person responsible for deploying this if required.
Incidents should be reported to Bute Park staff as soon as possible so the situation can be escalated if necessary.
Serious damage can be cause by spills such as oil, diesel and chemical toilets. Your suppliers should be about to provide you with a method statement to reassure of their recommended procedures regarding use, storage and correct handling procedures etc to prevent spillage of fuel, chemicals or effluent.
Spills are regarded a pollution incident whether on hard surfaces (roads or trackway) or soft (grass). Spills can travel across hard surfaces corroding them before reaching soft surfaces. Spills can seep deep into soft surfaces and require excavation to remove the issues.
To avoid pollution of the root zone, no chemicals or fuel etc. is to be stacked or stored beneath the canopy of any tree. Drip trays must be used under generators.
Please complete an incident report, it is essential that the following information is recorded:
- Date and time of reporting
- Date and time incident (if different)
- Name of person recording the incident
- Mobile number and email of recording the incident
- Report the type of spill and estimate quantity of spillage
- Take photos showing the extent of the damage
- Please provide contact details for any eye witnesses
If you have had a spill and are in need of emergency spill response services in the park, we have had successful support in the past from Emergency Spill Clean Up (gptenvironmental.co.uk) / 01656 741 799
See Bollard Incident Report
See Care of Trees in Cardiff Parks
See Contact the Park
See Incident Report Form
See Emergency Plans