Hiring Bute Park for commercial events in 2023 and beyond
First published 22nd Jun, 2022Bute Park is currently seeking expressions of interest from commercial event operators in the opportunity to hire Bute Park for major events over the next three years.
Cardiff has a reputation of being a city of events. With the beautiful backdrop of Cardiff Castle, surrounded by natural beauty, and within touching distance of the city centre, Bute Park offers a unique outdoor event space.
The Bute Park team are keen to ensure the very best events come to the park in the future and are offering the chance to pre-agree hire dates over a number of years, with the aim of supporting the events industry as it recovers from the Covid-19 pandemic, providing companies with greater levels of certainty and attracting high quality events with the potential to become part of the city’s vibrant events calendar.
If your company wishes to express an interest in hiring Bute Park (Coopers Field) for a major event, please contact jsas@cardiff.gov.uk Julia Sas, Bute Park Manager to request a document pack.
The deadline for completed Expressions of Interest is noon Tuesday 9th August 2022

You can read more about the Coopers Field event space here.
Coopers Field has previously hosted the following types of events:
- Lifestyle and food/drink events
- E.g. Weekend flower show with up to 26,000 total visitors across 3 days.
- 100+ floral exhibitors, plus small show gardens
- Horticultural trade stands
- 44 craft folk market stalls
- 34 farmers’ market stalls
- Café quarter and bars
- Band stand and roaming entertainment
- Big wheel
- Single stage music concerts
- Up to 16,000 capacity at any one time
- Bars
- Food traders
- Ancillary tents
- Multi-day music festivals (no on-site camping)
- 3 music stages
- Up to-12,000 capacity at any one time
- Bars
- Food traders
- Ancillary tents e.g. retail traders and VIP
- Up to 3 fairground rides
- Multi-day, trail-based attraction events
- Use of existing paths beyond main Coopers Field event site for trail-based attraction events
- Main event infrastructure and back of house production located on Coopers Field
- Food, drink and retail traders
- Daytime operation behind a paid event fence line
- After dusk operation with attractions left within public open space and monitored by day-time security