Cardiff Ratha Yatra – Festival of the Chariots 9th August, 2025

Given the fast changing situation with COVID19 please check the event organisers websites for the latest information regarding specific events.

Please contact the event organiser directly for ticketing and further information.

Tickets: FREE

Time: 12pm – 2pm (City Centre Procession) 2pm – 6pm (Festival in Bute Park)

Join us for an unforgettable experience at the annual Cardiff Ratha Yatra Festival, a vibrant celebration of traditional culture and cuisine!

On Saturday, August 10th, we will convene at King Edward VII Avenue (CF10 3NS) to take part in the colourful parade featuring an elaborately decorated chariot that we will pull through the city, as well as live music and traditional dance performances.

The procession leads us past Cardiff Castle and through the city centre, eventually leading us back to the park where you can immerse yourself in the lively atmosphere of our Bute Park Festival (next to the Secret Garden Cafe CF10 3ER). 

Here, you can indulge in a complimentary vegan/vegetarian feast, enjoy live drama and music, browse unique handicrafts, and participate in fun activities for all ages.

This is a must-attend event, so bring your family and friends and experience the joy and beauty of the world-famous Festival of the Chariots!

We look forward to seeing you there!

Visit the event website


9th August, 2025 - 9th August, 2025 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm


Orchard Lawn

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Bute Park Directions